Twee vasberade seuns, die wonderlikste dogters onder die son, ‘n grasieus en wyse vrou asook ‘n gegronde geloof in ons Skepper.
Sò word die sterkste hoeksteen vir enige wynmaker gevorm om sy drome op uit te messel.
Pieter Willem – Vasberade
Shani – Wonderlikste
Sol – Son
Sunè – Grasieus en Wys
Bartho – Gewilde, Oorsprong
Arno – Grasie
“Two determined sons, the most wonderful daughters under the sun,
a wise and gracious wife with a grounded belief in our Creator.
This is how the strongest cornerstone for any winemaker is formed
for him to carve his dreams out on.”

Suné & Bartho
Arno & Shani
Pieter Willem & Sol

visit us
Bartho Eksteen Wynlandgoed, R320, Hemel-en-Aarde Vallei, Hermanus, South Africa.
Contact us
+27 72 323 5060